
The Dangers of Being an Alpha

Ah yes, the alpha male. The strongest of the group, the best of the bunch, the one males want to be like, and the one females want to be with. At least that’s what they want you to think. And by they, I mean the self-proclaimed alpha males. Because let’s face it, nobody else actually calls them that.

There’s a lot of buzz on social media about how any profile that states they listen to Joe Rogan or follow Andrew Tate is an immediate red flag and an instant left swipe. Wait, but that doesn’t make sense because if you listen to these alpha males, then all the females will instantly throw themselves at you! So why is the opposite happening instead?

There’s a multitude of reasons, but the one that sorely stands out is the lack of guidance for a lot of young, impressionable men out there. I mean, how can you say no to someone who says they can show you how to get any girl you want, be the man that other men look up to, and be revered by all those around you? If you have any sense of self-confidence or a sense of identity, you would laugh out loud, call these people clowns and move on. Unfortunately, in this day and age of social media, toxic masculinity, and increase in mental health issues, that’s actually harder said than done. So you do end up with sheep that bray loudly that the wolf really does care about them, without realizing they are the victims.

If you think a person who’s been charged with human trafficking and rape is someone you should take advice from, then not understanding why girls aren’t flocking to you is probably the least of your problems. But hey, at least these loud, obnoxious alpha males who love to declare themselves as such makes it so much easier for the rest of us to spot them so we can avoid them.