Sunday Wraps

Sunday Wrap: News You Missed

Expelled Tennessee Lawmakers Both Seeking Seats AgainAP

Two Black Democratic lawmakers who attended a protest for gun control in Tennessee were expelled by their Republican colleagues. A third Democrat, who just happened to be white, was not. Whether or not you think this is right, both parties win. Republicans get to play to their base, while Democrats have another reason to stir theirs. On the other hand, it’s Tennessee. Did we really expect anything different?

Used Cars May Soon Come with Subscription Fees – Wired

BMW already charges monthly fees for heated seats (in some countries). Companies are trying to charge a subscription fee for everything. It’s a great business model, for businesses. Sooner or later, you won’t own anything, but rather you’ll be renting it for a duration. Don’t think subscription creep is a thing? Take a quick moment and count how many services you subscribe to – Netflix, Hulu, Adobe, Microsoft 365, Ring, Xbox Live, Hello Fresh, gym membership, sports clubs, etc. We live in a service oriented economy that is slowly becoming a subscription hell.