Sunday Wraps

Sunday Wrap: News You Missed

Daylight Savings Time Ends Today – Wikipedia

So at least in the United States, there’s some rationale behind DST – more sunlight so that people will actually go out more after getting off work. Makes sense the more north you go – rotation of the earth and all that jazz. Highly recommend checking out the wiki article. The closer you get to the equator, the less of an impact this will have. Some states, such as Arizona do not observe DST.

Black Friday is Starting – Wikipedia

What initially started as a shopping spree day after Thanksgiving has turned into a whole month dedicated to consumerism. In October, you’ll see “early” Black Friday deals. For the whole month of November, you’ll see “special members” deals depending on what company you shop with. Black Friday has lost its essence as more and more people do their shopping online. Heck, three days later, you have Cyber Monday…just in case you didn’t spend enough money yet.