Sunday Wraps

Sunday Wrap: News You Missed

WGA Reach Tentative Deal to End Writer’s Strike – Washington Post

Can you believe it’s almost been 5 months since the strike began? If you forget why they decided to strike in the first place, here’s a quick recap: better wages, residual payment from streaming services, and protections against artificial intelligence. Even if most of us aren’t in the industry, the AI component is the biggest thing that we should all be concerned about. As AI becomes more prevalent, everybody will start seeing how their own industry is going to be impacted.

Canada Suspects India of Sikh Killing – NPR

So it looks like it was the US that provided Canada with information regarding India’s involvement. No surprise there. We’ve seen this play out thousands of times before. Lots of yelling and spitting at each other. Then just by coincidence, some scapegoat individual or organization will found to be responsible, which of course, the government had no idea about. Just your average geopolitical game…