Sunday Wraps

Sunday Wrap: News You Missed

NAACP Warns People of Color Against Traveling to Florida – NBC News

Florida is doing a speed-run for worst state in the country. Strip away people’s rights and freedoms, make businesses stop investing in your state, force labor to flee leaving large swathes of your industries screwed. For a bunch of people who tout small government, there sure is a whole lot of governmenting going on.

US Debt Ceiling: What Happens if We Default – NPR

Is it going to happen? Probably not. Every couple of years, we hear about the scares of what happens if the US defaults. And every couple of years, it’s fine. For the most part, it’s political theater for one party to hinder the process in order to gain something from the other party. In case you are worried, then time to stuff that money under the mattress and wait it out.