
Politics is No Longer About Politics

How long has it been since politics has actually been about governance and trying to improve the standards of the people living in your community? Social identity and social issues has always been a part of the political game, but recently it seems that that’s all it’s about these days. Instead of focusing on improving wages, implementing better labor laws, or you know, all the things that actually impact and benefit people in society (except for the billionaires), we instead hear constant new cycles about who to cancel next, what company is too woke, or how evil one political party is compared to another.

Politics has become the next sports game – let’s see which team can win! People have drawn lines and dug themselves into the trenches, making their political party their identity. When politics becomes competition, everybody loses because it takes away from the whole focus on what government should be doing – making life better for the people. In our current political landscape, it’s even worse than that. Instead of trying to win, it’s more about humiliating the other team. We want the other team to lose more than we want to win.

What a cruel world to live in when there are people out there who are actively trying to take away people’s rights and freedoms, because they believe only certain people should actually be people.