Mental Health

Managing Stress Pt.3

Today, let’s jump into mindfulness. A word that’s been thrown around left and right, and can mean different things to different people. Here’s the truth: it can mean whatever feels right for you. Similar to asking what being “fit” means to someone. That could mean being able to run 5k without keeling over at the end. Or it could mean being able to walk up a flight of stairs and not soak through your clothes. Or it can simply mean being within the normal range of BMI. So if you ask a dozen people what mindfulness means, chances are you’ll get a dozen different answers.

Mindfulness could mean being able to mediate for 15 minutes everyday. It can mean not having lingering, intrusive thoughts each night before bed. Or it could mean not getting upset that the waiter forgot to bring you that ketchup that you asked for. However you want to define it, what’s important is to be able to set a goal. Something that you want to aim for, and it has to be accomplishable.

So where to begin? If you’re having trouble getting started, here’s a quick guide. Let’s aim for a goal of being able to sit still for 5 minutes. For many, this sounds easy, but can be quite difficult. The goal is to teach your brain how to decompress. So here’s what you do:

  1. Find a comfortable spot without distractions – no phone, no tv, no nothing. Maybe a couch, a park bench, the toilet if that’s the only place in the house that you can find sanctuary.
  2. Keep your eyes open, focus on your breathing, and take a couple of deep breaths in an out on a three count. Take a deep breath in as you count in your head – one, two, three. Quick pause. Slowly breath out as you count – one, two, three. Repeat.
  3. As you start, just go with the flow. If thoughts enter your head, let them. Take notice of how you mentally, emotionally, and physically react to each thought. Focus on how you react to those thoughts rather than what those thoughts are. Try to refocus on your breathing after each attempt.
  4. See how long you can last before you give up. Think about why it was so difficult. Why can sitting still for 5 minutes feel like an eternity, and a waste of time. Yet people routinely binge Netflix or Youtube for 5 hours and wonder where the time went.

Mindfulness is like giving your brain a massage to help it relax. You cherish your brain and all that it contains right? Why not treat it better? It deserves better. So get started and just do it!