
That’s My Fries!

Don’t eat other people’s food without their permission.

Yes, it’s a thing. You’ve never had this happen to you? Then count yourself lucky. You also don’t understand how someone can eat food that doesn’t belong to them? Then congratulations! You have common sense!

Some of you might be wondering if this really happens? Yes, yes it does. That weird coworker that just takes your soda without asking. That roommate that just borrows one too many avocados to make avocado toast, without ever replacing it. That family member that just assumes what’s yours is mine, and…that’s it, because you have better sense than to assume what’s theirs is yours. Mainly because chances are they don’t have anything that you want, or rather, they just simply don’t have anything.

So why do people do this? Clearly they didn’t buy it, and clearly it’s not intended for them. And yet, they take it. Again, and again, and again. You ask them nicely to stop. That is if you ever find out who exactly is taking your yogurt everyday from the communal fridge. You give them warnings, which they ignore. Then you simply get angry and start sprinkling ghost pepper chili flakes in all your food.

But really. Are people who do this malicious? Are they just inconsiderate? Or is it really a lack of common sense and they simply don’t know any better? Why not all of the above? Just maybe you’re able to catch one in the act and call them out on it, and they actually stop! Congrats on being able to teach someone common sense! For the rest of us, all we can do is shake our heads and wonder, why do so many people lack common sense?