Author: Alon Wick


The Power of Compound

You’ve all heard it before. Compound interest. It’s how money is made. However, if you grew up like most of America, you’ve probably heard of compound interest, but don’t really understand what it means. So, here’s a quick introduction.

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Mental Health

Take My Advice

Everybody has opinions. Not every opinion is advice. Not every advice is good advice. Why would you take relationship advice from someone who’s been divorced three times? Or financial advice from someone who owes money to loan sharks? In this day and age of social media and clout-chasing, advice comes in all forms and shapes. It can be difficult to find good, honest advice from a reputable source.

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Why I Learned to Live Healthy

One of my core memories is being in my late twenties, and seeing all these people in their early 40’s coming into the clinic with a laundry list of medical issues – diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, back pain, etc. Each and every one of them began their day taking over half a dozen pills, just so they can function. It was disheartening, and eye-opening at the same time.

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Common Sense: Phones, What Are They Good For?

A phone is no longer a phone, in the traditional sense. Sure, you can still make phone calls, but chances are, the last form of communication you had was through text. Let’s face it, what we call a phone these days it a multi-media device. We use it to communicate, we use it take pictures, watch videos, play video games, scroll social media, etc. With such an awesome device, common sense flies out the window quite easily!

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