
Why I Learned to Live Healthy

One of my core memories is being in my late twenties, and seeing all these people in their early 40’s coming into the clinic with a laundry list of medical issues – diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, back pain, etc. Each and every one of them began their day taking over half a dozen pills, just so they can function. It was disheartening, and eye-opening at the same time.

Real life interaction: Patient comes in for a regular check-up – cholesterol through the roof. History indicates it’s been going on for well over two years. Ask him if he’s been compliant with his medication. Nope, don’t want to take it – doesn’t think he needs it. Ask him why not? Says he doesn’t like taking pills and would rather work on his diet and exercise. Ask him how he’s eating. Terrible, doesn’t make his own meals and eats mainly junk food. Ask him what he’s doing for physical activity. Nothing. Prefers to watch TV on his downtime. I sit there wondering if my head will explode first or if my eyes will roll out of its socket first…

This interaction was the norm and not the outlier. I made a promise then and there that I would never become one of these people. I swore to myself that short of conditions out of my control (genetics, cancer, etc.), I would always hold myself accountable for my own health. So I stopped snacking on junk food everyday. I made sure to get some form of physical activity most days, even if it was a little walk around the block. I limited my screen time and picked up other activities. Fast forward 10 years and I can congratulate myself that I did not become of those people.

No, it wasn’t an instant, overnight thing. No, it didn’t just click and everything was easy. Yes, it took effort. Lots and lots of effort. Every single day. It took effort. Which is what it boils down to. Taking responsibility and not blaming everything else around you. Everybody has work stress. Everybody has home stress. Nobody has time to do anything. Take away all the variables that every single person has to deal with and you know what’s left? You. It was always you and will always be you.