
Road Rage Is For Losers

Have you ever been cut off while driving and instantly flew into a blinding rage, honked your horn, yelled expletives, then went through the rest of your day full of rage and anger? All the while, the driver that cut you off was probably oblivious to what happened and went through their day thinking “that idiot just honked at me for changing lanes?” So who won in that scenario? No one. Your daily commute isn’t a competition. There are no trophies for people that cut you off or for being the one that got cut off. Any losers? Probably the one that lost their emotions, lost their empathy for others, and lost the ability to enjoy the rest of the day so that they could wallow in their anger and misery. You lost your composure, and for a brief moment, your ability to think straight and drive properly. You are the loser.

I’ve been cut off plenty of times. I’ve also cut off others plenty of times. What I’ve never done is thought “I feel like pissing somebody off. What better way than to cut someone off on purpose.” I’ve done it because: they were in my blind spot, I mistimed changing lanes, they sped up right as I changed lanes, or simply because I was being inattentive. If I can “accidentally” cut someone off, I can also give others the same benefit of the doubt.

For some reason, when it comes to driving, the mentality is that everybody else is the idiot, and you’re the only one that knows how to drive. So what does that say about you if you’re letting idiots get the better of you? Learn to be a winner instead and don’t let it bother you. Drive safe and get to your destination in one piece. Besides, in this day and age, you never know if that idiot carries a gun and is more than willing to respond to your anger in kind.