What If

What if… The Moon Disappeared?

Strange question? Yes. Would it actually happen? Highly unlikely. Is it fun to think about? This writer seems to think so. So what WOULD happen if the moon just up and disappeared on us? Better yet, lets imagine a scenario where the moon is impacted by an asteroid massive enough to break it apart. What would happen?

First, the tides will be both weaker and more predictable. Both the moon and the sun exert gravity on the Earth causing the ocean to bulge on both sides along the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. The earth rotates in and out of these bulges, giving us high and low tides. Variability in tides is caused by the moon rotating around the Earth causing neap and spring tides. Neap tides occur when the moon and sun’s gravitational force is perpendicular to one another, cancelling each other out, resulting in overall low tides all over the Earth. Spring tides happen when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned causing a larger bulge, resulting in higher than normal tides.

A change in tides will undoubtedly bring about changes to the climate. We can expect to see some species thrive and others die out. As for us humans, we’ll be fine in the long. Initially entire populations may be displaced and agriculture will be significantly affected, but we’ll recover. We’re a tenacious species. It’ll be expensive and lives will be lost, but humanity will continue on.

As if climate change due to changing tides weren’t enough, the seasons will also change. This is because the moon plays a role is regulating Earth’s axial tilt. Without the moon Earth’s tilt could potentially destabilize, exacerbating the change in climate.

Next up! Leap seconds! You’ve heard of leap years, but leap seconds? This is to accommodate the fact that the Earth is slowing down. As the Earth rotates, it drags the ocean bulges, caused by the moon, away from the moon, and the moon is trying to pull it back. This tugging from the moon slows down the Earth. To date we have added a total of 27 seconds since 1972. Without the moon there’s only the sun’s bulge slowing down the Earth. This means we will be adding leap seconds less frequently. That is if we didn’t already do away with it.

Lastly, depending on how hard the moon was obliterated, we could be left with a ring, a new moon, or new moons! Despite the worldwide havoc losing the moon would cause, we may end up with a more interesting and breathtaking night sky. Imagine looking up at night and seeing 2 moons floating about in the sky. Beautiful, ain’t it? Perhaps it’ll make massive climate change and global catastrophe a little more bearable.

So there you have it. A plausible (maybe…) explanation for what would happen if the moon disappeared.