Mental Health

Healthy Relationship Goals: Kindness to Others

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So simple, yet so difficult for many to follow. Have you ever been in a relationship and wondered if that person you think you know is really a nice person? Or are they faking it and the façade will disappear once you get to know them? Instead of looking to see how well they treat you, which is of course equally important, look at how they treat those around you.

Say you’re both at the checkout line at the grocery store, and the cashier mistakenly rings up the wrong price. What would you deem is an appropriate reaction to a minor mistake? A simple “hey, I think that’s the wrong price” or “what the hell is wrong with you?! Can’t you do your job right?” You’ve just caught a glimpse into the personality of your potential partner. What do you think the reaction will be when you make a minor mistake?

We don’t even have to extend to this to people. The next time you finish shopping and have to push the cart back. Do they offer to do it for you? Do they just leave it on the side of the road? Or do they take the time and effort to put the cart back into the corral? There’s your answer to what happens when the dishes are dirty, or the laundry is full, or the dog needs walking. If the thought process of “I should put this back once I’m done so others can use it” doesn’t ever occur to them, you’re going to have a fun time getting them to be just as considerate at home. Or maybe they think “that’s what the employees are for.” Congrats, that’s what you’re for.