Sunday Wraps

Sunday Wrap: News You Missed

Trump Indicted and What to Expect – BBC

Whether you care or not, this is big news. The first time an ex-president has been charged with a crime! We like to think that no one is above the law, not even a person who used to be President of the United States of America. However, let’s wait and see how this actually unfolds. Is it going to be a dog and pony show? Are we going to see actual consequences? Or are politicians and the wealthy truly above the law?

Tornadoes Rip Through South and Midwest – CNN

Out of all natural disasters, tornadoes are the freakiest. Appearing basically out of nowhere to wreck havoc, then just disappears. Earthquakes follow fault lines and tsunamis come from the sea. Tornadoes? Just wherever they feel like it. Sure, it’s more common in some areas, but the fact that it has the possibility of occurring anywhere puts it at the top of the list.