
Embracing Serendipity

Do you have a routine? Waking up, having breakfast, going to work, working more, and then heading straight home? Do you usually go straight home from work? Is the next day just more of the same? If this sounds like you, then it’s time to start introducing some novelty into your life and embrace serendipity.

Routines can be comfortable, but they can also become mundane and boring over time. Going through the same motions day after day can leave you feeling drained and lacking motivation, even though you’re not expending any extra energy. Breaking free from this drudgery involves injecting randomness and spontaneity into your daily routine.

For example, do you always go to the same couple of restaurants and order the same things for lunch? Try just picking a random restaurant. Don’t use Yelp or any online reviews. You may just stumble upon the next best hole in the wall. Instead of heading straight home from work, try taking a different path. Not only does this offer a change of scenery, but it also presents an opportunity to discover new businesses or landmarks you were previously unaware of. Even if you don’t discover anything new, you would’ve at least had a different experience that’ll keep you more in the moment, which beats being bored and unmotivated.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, ‘You make your own luck.’ Luck may seem random, and it may be counterintuitive to think that randomness can be controlled, but it can! By trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone, you can increase your likelihood of having lucky encounters. While it won’t completely turn around your fortunes, the chance of experiencing a lucky encounter, and the potential opportunities that stems from it, is significantly lower if you’re always sticking to your routine.

So, get off the beaten path and start discovering things you never knew about before. Start getting lucky!