Mental Health

Healthy Relationship Goals: Cars

What a person drives is not as important as why they drive it. Once you get past the type of car a person rolls around in, ask them why they chose that particular car. That’s the true test of compatibility – does the reason why they drive an SUV, or truck, or minivan align with your sensibilities? You just might be surprised, or not, by the answers you get.

Let’s paint a simple picture – your friend buys a brand new $50k truck. Already you can see yourself pulling out all the stereotypes stored inside your brain to try to find that narrative that fits your worldview. If your friend works in construction and is starting their own small business, you’re probably thinking “What a sensible person! A truck makes sense! Wonder if it’s electric?” Take the same friend but they work the perfume kiosk at your local mall. “Your monthly payment is $800 and you make what now? You rent and the last heavy thing you bought was a blender…why do you need a truck?”

So ask yourself what values are important to you. Then ask that friend or loved one why they drive the car they do. Is it economical? Hey, you love saving money too! Let’s get together and find some good deals! Is it flashy? Appearance matters above all! I’m glad we see eye to eye! They prefer to take the bus? Saving the planet is the way to go! Let’s go green!

If you’re thinking whether or not that person sitting next to you is the one, or just the one for this week – it’s a good idea to have the car talk. Are you really on the same page? Having a talk about your mode of transportation is far easier than asking “so you want kids?”

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