
Healthy Relationship Goals: Food

We eat it every day. Sometimes three times a day. Sometimes with a drink. Sometimes as fast as we can so we can get back to work on time. Other times slow because the chip fell out of our mouth while eating a midnight snack in bed, and now we can’t find it in the dark. Food is important to every human being. It’s also an important factor in a healthy relationship.

Food is something we think about every day, and yet never enough to recognize how it can affect a relationship. Have you ever been in a relationship where you didn’t see eye to eye when it came to what you put into your stomach? Do you think a meat lover and a vegetarian love being around each other when it comes to meal time? Probably not. Although stranger things have happened.

Food compatibility is important in a relationship. The last thing you want to do is sit across from someone you can’t wait to kiss, only to be disgusted by what’s on their plate. Or maybe you’re the one looking lovingly at that dinner you just ordered, only to look up and see eyes judging you from across the table. How wonderful instead, if you both were able to share something that dances happily in your tummies and made your faces smile?

And it’s not just the food itself, but how a person relates to food. If you love experiencing new, unique foods, you probably can’t wait to try out the new fusion restaurant that just opened up. It’s going to be difficult to ask someone who adamantly refuses to eat at any place that doesn’t include a combo meal with extra fries.

There’s a reason so many first dates involve eating somewhere. It’s a simple way to figure out how food compatible we are with someone else. It’s important to see if you have similar interests and food is no exception, especially since eating is going to be a big part of your journey together.