Mental Health

Can You “Catch” Depression?

No, but yes? Or you could go with the classic answer: it depends.

So let’s start with some clarification. No, you can’t catch depression the same way that you catch a cold. There’s no depression virus floating around that somebody sneezes out when it’s a sad, gloomy day. You won’t find any depression bacteria stuck to your hand if you don’t wash them after using the bathroom. So in that sense, no, you can’t catch depression.

However, have you ever been around someone who is eternally depressed? Chances are high the answer is yes, especially in this day and age after three years of living in a pandemic. How has it impacted your mood when the person you wake up to every morning never smiles at your or gives you a hug? How about having to work with someone who is always pessimistic and just the sight of them makes your stomach plunge? In these situations, then yes, depression can be contagious.

The people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on you and your own mental well being. Try hanging out with a group of go-getters and next thing you know, you’ll be playing keeping up with Jones yourself – nice clothes, nice car, fancy dinners…and where’d all my money go? Hang out with depressives and you’ll start wondering why everything and everyone sucks, and somehow life just isn’t fair and the world is spiraling out of control.

So careful who you choose to be around. And yes, that applies to family members too. If you have a choice in the matter, consider yourself lucky. If you don’t, maybe think about reaching out for help. Depression can be contagious, but in this case, it doesn’t have to be.