
A Country Divided. Why Can’t We Just Get Along?

The internet seems to be divided into two camps, as per usual, but I’m not talking about politics. I’m talking about bed sheets. Specifically the divisive top sheet! Those that love them and those that don’t. I recently came upon the GQ article, F@*# Top Sheets, and I thought, “huh… that makes sense.” Then I ran into THIS GQ article and was like, “wha…?” A quick Google search revealed that this topic is about as divided as our politics. And I just can’t help but wonder why can’t we just get along?

Clicking through some of the links it became apparent that the top sheet loving crowd is full of snob nosed people calling the other side “f@#$ing animals”, while the other side lobbed back “dumb f@#$s” with equal snobbery. Here’s a quick breakdown of the arguments from both sides.

Why you should use a top sheet

There appears to be plenty of reasons for using a top sheet and proponents of top sheets do have some good points, such as:

  • It helps protect the duvet
  • You can wash your top sheet more often and your duvet less often, prolonging the life of your duvet
  • Depending on the type of top sheet it can help keep you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer
  • Top sheets feel good
  • A bed made with top sheets look classy
  • It provides sleeping bliss
  • It is underwear for your bed
  • We’re not animals

This is not an exhaustive list, but you get the picture. The reasons for using a top sheet can be practical, but there also seems to be a great deal of preference. The hygiene argument makes perfect sense and the top sheet can indeed protect your duvet, so long as it doesn’t end up a crumpy mess at the foot of the bed. Queue the opposition!

Why you should NOT use a top sheet

The flip side has plenty of reasons of their own

  • It doesn’t actually protect the duvet because it just gets kicked to the foot of the bed
  • Duvet covers provide the same level of hygiene and protection without the inconvenience of a top sheet
  • It’s an extra item to wash
  • It’s archaic
  • It’s not necessary
  • Lining up the top sheet with the duvet can be inconveniently difficult
  • They are uncomfortable
  • Top sheets are redundant
  • Tucking in the top sheet prevents crumpling, but feels restrictive

Again, there are practical reasons here, but also plenty of individual preference. However, the duvet cover does throw camp pro top sheet’s hygiene argument out the window.

Lets just get along

There are plenty of practical reasons for using and not using a top sheet, but whether you use a top sheet or not doesn’t seem to matter from a hygienic point of view given the existence of duvet covers. What does this mean? It means people are literally arguing over nothing. It’s like arguing that red is better than blue. What does it matter? It’s just silly. We already have a lot of legitimate reasons to argue and/or dislike each other. We don’t need to add anymore reasons to the mix. So please. For the love of all that is good. Lets just leave each other alone… And toss out that damn top sheet.