Mental Health

Make A Smile

Ever wake up grumpy? Had a bad dream that you can’t shake off? Dreading that the day is starting and you just don’t feel ready to face the world yet? Just smile. Yes, there’s actually a reason why smiling can help you feel just that little bit better. It releases those uplifiting chemicals in your brain called dopamine and serotonin, that can help you feel a little bit happier and a little less stressed.

Think of it as having that first sip of coffee in the morning. Just that little bit of energy boost that helps you get your day going. It won’t erase having to deal with a crummy boss, or make you forget about that huge fight you had last night about who’s turn it was to do the dishes. It can, however, dampen those negative thoughts and emotions just enough so you can get out of bed and get the day started. Because honestly, sometimes that’s all we need – that little kick in the butt to get us going.

The best part of smiling? You can do it as often as you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. You aren’t smiling for anyone else. You are smiling for you. You are smiling because you are comfortable with being you. You are smiling because you are proud to be yourself. 

So the next time you’re feeling tired, or anxious, or just a little too stressed – force a smile. Your body and your body will thank you.